UiPath is a leading Robotic Process Automation vendor providing a complete software platform to help organizations efficiently automate business processes.
UiPath + Public Services = match for success
Automation in the Public Services sector has already started to show proven benefits, particularly in allowing administrations around the world to deliver better services for citizens and reducing their operational costs. UiPath considers that there is a huge potential still left untapped in public
organizations and delivers solutions fully catered to their specific needs.
Fast and easy RPA development
Visually intuitive, feature-rich and extensible Studio designer allows ease of automation of complex processes with fewer man-hours – so ROI and performance benefits arrive faster. It is packed with template activities and a powerful recorder that can follow your clicks and keyboard strokes and turn them into an automation sequence, helping you jumpstart your automation.
Works with all applications
UiPath Robot works with all applications, operating them just like a human user: clicking, typing and reading screen information through OCR and computer vision. Legacy systems, web applications, Java applications, databases, APIs and even custom applications or virtualized machines, can be automated with UiPath. It can handle browsers, emails, terminals, excel, word, PDFs, databases, and many others.
Attended and Unattended Bots
Our Attended Bot delivers high productivity at the desktop as your human employee’s reliable co-worker. An Attended Bot can quickly do repetitive tasks such as send emails, gather data, or enter information into a case management system. Triggered when needed, an Attended Bot works under full human control and supervision. The Unattended Robot performs efficiently in batch mode automating any number of back-office activities, such as payroll, benefits management, reconciliations, recruitment and new hire processes. It is deployed by UiPath Orchestrator, with remote access availability.
Collaborate Securely
UiPath allows a single organization to set up separate, secure working spaces for different departments or geographical units working with the automation. Large government institutions or healthcare services providers that implement RPA in different departments, at different stages, automating completely different processes, can benefit from this feature. This means the automation project can be easily scaled with no extra operational costs or infrastructure investments.
Solution Showcase - HIMSS19
RPA Modernization
For more information about UiPath Products and Services, please contact:
EMAIL: uipath@fedresults.com