GovDelivery - internet based e-mail and text messaging services for interagency incident support
Contract Information
- Available Products: GovDelivery, Inc.
- Contract No. AG-024B-13-0002
- Held by FedResults, Inc.
- Period of Performance
- Base Year: 4/23/2013 - 4/22/2014
- Option 1: 4/23/2014 - 4/22/2015
- Option 2: 4/23/2015 - 4/22/2016
The USDA Forest Service/National Interagency Fire Center and FedResults, Inc. entered into a Blanket Purchase Agreement for GovDelivery products.
The USDA Forest Service/National Interagency Fire Center may purchase products and services under the BPA schedule.
Point of Contact: Jessica Giles
Telephone: 703-871-8516
Fax Number: 703-889-8705
Blanket Purchase Agreement Details:
- Prices for the service will be paid in accordance with the awarded BPA line item prices.
- Orders against this BPA can be made by authorized callers.
- Orders against this BPA become binding once the contract has agreed to an assignment and services from authorized call.
- The term of this agreement may extend by mutual consent of both parties provided
- Contractor will contact within thirty days (30) of expiration of the current agreement if the government intends to extend the BPA
(this notice shall not be deemed to commit the Government to an extension). - Term of Agreement can only be extended one year at a time.
- Term of Agreement cannot be extended beyond the potential base and 2 option years (3 years total).
- Contractor will contact within thirty days (30) of expiration of the current agreement if the government intends to extend the BPA
- The minimum order dollar amount for items awarded under this agreement is $50.00.
- No single BPA call under this agreement shall exceed $25,000 in amount.
- The total maximum amount of orders against this BPA cannot exceed $135,000.
- BPA may be cancelled for default immediately, by the government, if contractor is noncompliant with terms and conditions of agreement.
- BPA may be cancelled by either party at no cost with 30 day written notice.
- Invoices need to be submitted to the ordering office on the individual purchase/BPA call orders.
- The Government is under no obligation to purchase from the vendor of the BPA. The government is obligated only to the extent of authorized
purchases actually made under this BPA. The Vendor is under no obligations to supply any items or quantities not readily available.